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Where are your mushrooms sourced?Updated a year ago

Our mushrooms are spruced and imported from our trusted, reputable, and long-standing supplier in China. 

We pride ourselves on using branded, patented, and premium ingredients in our formulations, and our mushrooms are NO EXCEPTION to that! All of our mushrooms are organically grown, sourced from fruiting bodies, and tested for quality and purity!

There are several reasons we and many other world-leading mushroom supplement brands have opted for mushrooms grown in China, including, the growing economics of other countries and regulations. However, the most important of them all is, 

  1. Mushrooms, particularly these exotic medical mushrooms are not easy to find naturally in the wild, due to the very specific growing environments and conditions they require, which is in China… 

  1. China has a strong history of mushroom cultivation and medicinal use and we have worked hard to ensure we only bring in premium quality ingredients! China was the first country to begin cultivating mushrooms at a large scale and is now the leading grower of mushrooms globally and produces 85% of the world’s mushrooms.

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